Here We Go!!!
WOOT, WOOT !!!! Hell's yeah. I just got soooo excited! Some unsuspecting friend said, 'Hey, Charlie, you should start a blog,'. Well, don't mind I do.. So, I want to start this blog off by extending thanks to er' single person on and associated with, F4F. My, my, my... That lil acronym took my world, shook it, spun it, rocketed it, etc ( I'm sure u get the visual by this point)... So, yup. I started over six weeks ago, and to everything that is sacred, holy shit. My entire life and every single thing I knew, has changed. Most importantly, my attitude. Of gratefulness. I have been exposed to so very many situations that have shown me, my life, my existence, kicks ass. So, where was I?????? Ah yes, started camming about 6 weeks ago. "What did u used to do, Charlie?" "oh, y thx for asking,..." Door to (explicit) door sprinkler system sales. Yes. It hit me one day, on the job, bc u never are like, 'hey bro, this has got shit disaster written all over it,' NO. It hit me one day, omg, I am 30 yrs old and I am selling sprinkler systems. Fortunately, that awful position was just a step for me to my here and now. I am so excited about where things are going. So, I have decided to write this blog, for Charlie. Charlie needs to be reminded that she has com, and cum, along way to be where she is now. So, high 5, big gurl and again, a huge thanks to all my peeps who come, and cum, each day to visit! YOU BUNNIES are who make the difference in my life, and I thank you. KK, next blog will not be nearly as deep and profound, I promise. K.I.C.C. (keep it cosmetic Charlie). Titties, which I have 2 of, and a booty, that I wasn't aware kicked ass, until I showed to everyone and the census is,...hip, hip, hooray!! Titties and ass next time bunnies, promise. Thinking about work now, just makes me smile. I am lucky./ Thank u to all my precious, perfect bunnies of luv!! xoxo, Charlie